H-3: Destruction of Culture or Public Traffic Reliever  

In the end...


H-3 is not just a highway, it is a modern marvel and signature of the Hawaiian Island of O'ahu. It services a host of people from commuters to the occasional tourist taking a vacation to paradise. As people drive through the H-3 they have no clue as to the planning and the constant obstacles that the project faced. H-3 proved to be a safer and more scenic route to the Windward side but was also a formidable task. H-3 required constant alternatives, close budget watches, and the pure archeological significance of the area. All in all, the 
H-3 was a good investment and a hard fought battle. One worth the time to enjoy as you cruse along its nearly 16 mile span. Upon reading this take a drive to the Windward side on the H-3 and marvel at the planning and technological advancements made to complete the very road you drive on.

For the Modern Marvels show on History Channel please visit the link provided below. Video is under "Superhighways" 


For more info go to....


<http://archives.starbulletin.com/97/12/12/news/story3.html>.  <http://the.honoluluadvertiser.com/150/sesq5h3>.